Tuesday, January 13, 2009

assignment #1

my first assignment is to add 3 of my classmates blog sites in a page and post it
to check out my teacher's blog click here
here is brandond's blog
here is alem's blog
here is nader's blog


  1. Hi Hind!

    Welcome to the blogsosphere. If you go to my blog www.historypollock.blogspot.com , you will be able to read the instructions for all of your upcoming assignments. Your due dates are posted on the right hand side of the page.

    If you have any further questions, you can post them on my blog or drop by my classroom on Wednesday at first break or after school.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Also, make sure to link to my site in your Welcome post and for Assignment 1, visit the blogs of three classmates and make a comment on their entries.

  3. Nice work Hind! Keep it up!

  4. thnx mrs.pollock for ur help

    thnx buddy i also like ur blog neha

  5. HI Hind,

    Things look good here - keep up the great work!

    In terms of assignment #3, go back and take another look at my blog, the instructions are all there. For assignment #3, you need to leave comments on three peers blogs and then, for Assignment #3 1/2, you need to link to those blogs in an entry of your own and tell us what you liked about them.

    I hope this answers your questions.
